Legitimate prescriptions can lead to opiate addictions

Julie Abedian. Photo courtesy of CRH Foundation.

People might have an image in their mind of who a heroin addict is. But the reality is that many addicts locally were originally prescribed pain medication for legitimate medical issues.

That’s from the research into the local drug problem being done by the Alliance FOR Substance Abuse Progress in Bartholomew County.

The group will present its six month report to the community tonight with a community forum at The Commons.

Julie Abedian with Columbus Regional Health has been heading up ASAP’s treatment team.

Abedian said that addicts to prescription medicine can find cheaper drugs more easily on the black market than dealing with the medical system.

She said that people get addicted to prescription medication prescribed by their physician and dentist after only a few days of use, and then turn to illegal drugs when their prescription goes away.

Those people need help to get off of those drugs, she said.

The forum is at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday eveningĀ at The Commons.