The Seymour Police Department announced the completion of the March 2017 dangerous and impaired driving enforcement campaign. During the 24-day enforcement period, department officials say that 41 tickets were written, 248 warning tickets were issued and six arrests were made within the city of Seymour.
“Dangerous and impaired driving kills,” said Chief Bill Abbott. “We all play a part in keeping Indiana’s roadways safe, and campaigns such as this ensure each and every driver and passenger understand their role and the importance of staying vigilant behind the wheel. Even one less dangerous or impaired driver off the road is a success in which we all can share.”
The six arrests made by Seymour Police Officers included one warrant arrest and three for possession of marijuana.
Increased enforcement during March is a statewide effort supported by federal highway safety funding. The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute distributes funding to more than 250 participating Indiana law enforcement agencies.