The Indiana Department of Transportation is in the process of making safety improvements at the intersection of State Road 46 and State Road 9, about 4.5 miles east of Columbus. These include:
• The removal of existing pavement markings;
• Installation of new thermoplastic striping and crossbars;
• Installation of oversized STOP signs;
• Utilization of buzz strips
Harry Maginity, INDOT Spokesman says that the work is in response to safety concerns at the intersection, though he was unable to give specifics. He adds that solar-powered, continuous-flashing beacons will be situated 750 feet in advance of the intersection along eastbound and westbound lanes of State Road 46, and northbound and southbound lanes of State Road 9.
Signal Construction, of Greenfield, is the state’s contractor for this $94,000 project, which Maginity says is to reduce crashes at the rural intersection. He says that foundations for the solar-powered beacons will be poured on Friday, weather permitting. Maginity adds that the project has a completion date of September, but he expects it will be finished well in advance of then.