New North Vernon City Council easing into leadership role

North Vernon’s new City Council members continue their work adjusting to their roles in city leadership. The body meets Monday evening and part of its unfinished business is their appointment to the city’s Tourism Board. That appointment is expected to be finalized Monday night.

The council will also continue discussions on possibly creating a Golf Course Board. North Vernon recently took over ownership of St. Anne’s Golf Course, located on the city’s east side. A disagreement between St. Anne’s members and the city’s Director of Golf, Robin Brown, came to a head during a city council meeting in early January. After the council resolved that issue, council members opined that a golf course board might be better suited to deal directly with course issues. The city council could finalize the setup of the board, as well as nominate members, Monday night.

New Business for the council is scheduled to include an update on the city’s “Stellar Communities” project aimed at beautifying downtown North Vernon. There is also expected to be an update on the city’s agreement with renewable energy company Windstream Technologies, among other business.

Monday night’s meeting begins at 6 p.m. inside the Carnegie Government Center.