Indiana DNR offers safety tips for off-road vehicles

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources says with the warmer weather, more people are out riding off-road vehicles. And officials are urging you to take steps to be safe while having off-road fun.

According to the agency:

  • All riders under the age of 18 are required by law to wear a helmet while operating an off-road vehicle.
  • They also recommend goggles, long sleeves, long pants, and over-the-ankle boots for riders.
  • Children younger than 14 need to be supervised by an adult at all times when riding an off-road vehicles. Children should only rideĀ  if they meet the minimum age designated by the manufacturer of that vehicle.
  • Never operate an off-road vehicle with more people on it than it is designed to hold.
  • Never operate or ride while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Off-road vehicles should be operated at a speed where the driver can control the vehicle and stop in time to avoid a collision.
  • On side-by-side style off-road vehicles seat belts should be worn by the operator and any passengers.