Bartholomew County and Columbus officials will be considering applications for a more than 1800 acre solar panel farm that would stretch across southeastern Bartholomew County.
According to the city and county planning departments, Carina Solar, a subsidiary of Samsung C&T, is seeking approval from the county and city zoning appeals boards for the 1,886 acre solar project. The proposal requires the city and county approve a conditional use for the property, which is now zoned agricultural.
The project would be south of County Road 100S in Columbus, Sand Creek and Rock Creek Townships on property that will be leased for the solar farm and is currently in use as farmland. It stretches from South Gladstone Avenue to East County Road South 525E on multiple properties. About 1,100 acres falls within the county jurisdiction and almost 800 acres within the city. 24 property owners have agreed to take part in the project
The planning department staff is recommending approval of the conditional use of the property for the solar complex.
The Bartholomew County board is set to hear the proposal when it meets at 7 p.m. tonight at City Hall, while the city will consider the proposal Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. Speakers for or against the project will be limited to three minutes each.
You can get more information on the project here:
Map courtesy of Columbus and Bartholomew County Planning Departments.