A dog that was declared a dangerous animal will go home with his owner after a special meeting of the Columbus Animal Care Services Commission.
Jake, an 11-year-old Australian Shepherd/Husky mix, was declared dangerous after an incident last May when he escaped his owner’s property in the 3400 block of Duffer Drive and killed a neighbor’s dog. At that time, Columbus Animal Care Services ordered Jake’s owner, Jeff Rosenburg, to keep the dog secure in his home and to make sure Jake was muzzled when out outside of his home.
On Jan. 12th, Rosenburg was spotted walking Jake without a muzzle in the Presidential Parks neighborhood. A concerned neighbor snapped a photo and sent it to Columbus Animal Care Services. Officials with Animal Care Services took possession of Jake on Jan. 15. Rosenburg paid a $500 fine on the same day and appealed the decision in an effort to keep the dog from being euthanized.
Nicohl Birdwell Goodin of Animal Care Services recommended during Monday night’s meeting that Jake be returned to Rosenburg with the clear understanding that any further violations would result in Jake being destroyed or re-homed. That recommendation passed on a vote of 4-1.