Leadership of the Columbus Police Department is a little different as we enter a new decade.
Michael Richardson, a 25 year veteran of the Columbus Police Department, became CPD’s new Chief of Police when he was sworn in by Mayor Jim Lienhoop during a ceremony at Columbus City Hall on Wednesday.
Richardson is a life-long resident of Columbus and Bartholomew County. He has nearly two decades of supervisory experience. During his time at CPD, Richardson has served as patrol officer, field training officer, bike patrol officer, bomb technician, uniform sergeant, uniform lieutenant, uniform captain and deputy chief of police.
Richardson is a graduate of Vincennes University with an Associates of Arts Degree in Law Enforcement and a graduate of Indiana State University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice. He is also a graduate of the Police Executive Leadership Academy.
Chief Richardson commented, “I consider it a privilege to be selected as the CPD Chief of Police and look forward to continuing to move forward on ideas and initiatives that have made the Columbus Police Department one of the premiere law enforcement agencies in the State of Indiana.”

Richardson also announced his new law enforcement command staff. They will be responsible for assisting with the daily operations and management of the Columbus Police Department.
Deputy Chief of Police: Steve Norman is a 25 year veteran of the Columbus Police Department. During his service at CPD, Major Norman has worked his way up the ranks of the department as a patrol officer, a member of the CPD SWAT team, narcotics detective, public relations officer, uniform sergeant, uniform lieutenant and uniform captain. Dep. Chief Norman is a graduate of Ball State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice.
Administrative Captain: Jon Rohde is a nearly 19 year veteran of the Columbus Police Department and most recently served as CPD’s Chief of Police for the last five years. Rohde joined the Columbus Police Department in 2001 and has served as a patrol officer, field training officer, SWAT team member, narcotics detective, narcotics detective sergeant, and previously served as administrative captain before becoming chief of police. Captain Rohde attended Indiana University in Bloomington and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. He later attended the Indiana School of Law in Indianapolis where he obtained his Doctor of Jurisprudence.
Uniform Captain: Jay Frederick is serving in his 30th year as a law enforcement officer in Columbus. Capt. Frederick joined CPD in 2001 after working at the Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Office. Frederick holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Safety with a specialization in Criminal Justice.
Chief Richardson commented; “Our police command staff consists of veteran officers with an extensive amount of education, skill, and law enforcement experience. I am pleased that they have agreed to continue to serve Columbus in their respective roles.” Richardson added: “Their proven leadership has been invaluable over their many years of service to our community and I look forward to working closely with them in the future.”