The Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Department has completed its acquisition and renovations of a mobile command center.
The motorhome-like vehicle was purchased earlier this year from the Columbus Township Volunteer Fire Department. It was then renovated and repurposed to support a main mission as a command center for law enforcement, but also as a secondary emergency operations and dispatch center and to engage with the community during special events.
No taxpayer money was spent from the county budget, instead the vehicle was paid for through jail commissary funds, and drug seizure funds generated by drug enforcement efforts with the DEA task force. This summer, Sheriff Chris Lane outlined the plan to buy the vehicle for about $43,500 and estimated adding $49,000 in renovations including work stations inside and a new look outside including Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Department insignia.
Lane says the vehicle will allow local emergency agencies to continue to operate remotely during a major disaster, or an event that took out the dispatch center. He said that the vehicle would also be used for community events, such as the Bartholomew County 4-H Fair or Hope Heritage Days.
The department plans to show off the vehicle to the public by taking part in Saturday’s Festival of Lights parade in downtown Columbus. The parade starts at 6 p.m.
Photo courtesy of Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Department