You will have a chance tomorrow morning to help Columbus, Bartholomew and Brown County and other area volunteer firefighters get training from some of the top fire chiefs in the country. And you can enjoy a stack of pancakes, while you are at it.
Columbus Township Fire & Rescue Chief Dave Thompson says that the county fire chief’s association is holding a flapjack fundraiser breakfast at Applebee’s in Columbus from 8 to 10 a.m. tomorrow to raise money for an upcoming seminar with Chief John Salka and Chief Rick Lasky.
Lasky is a former Lewisville, Texas fire chief who now tours giving inspirational speeches to firefighters.
Salka served 33 years with the New York City fire department, including being part of the incident command center during the 9-11 attacks.
The seminar with the chiefs will be held later this year at the Brown County Music Center. The goal is to make the seminar free for all first responders from around the state who wish to attend.
Admission for Saturday’s pancake breakfast is $10, Thompson says. There will also be door prizes given away.