6 P.M. Area flooding update.
The National Weather Service/U.S. Geologic Survey flood gauges in our area are showing some moderate to minor flooding, with East Fork White River at Columbus getting ready to rise to the minor flood stage.
The only moderate flooding reported now is upstream at Young’s Creek, at Amity in Johnson County. That creek is at 10.4 feet, just above its moderate flood stage of 10 feet. The agency predicts that the creek will be going back down by tomorrow afternoon to the minor flood stage and completely out of flooding by Sunday afternoon.
Also upstream from Columbus, minor flooding is reported on Sugar Creek at Edinburgh. That creek is at 12.41 feet and is expected to crest at 12.98 feet overnight. It should be out of flood status by Saturday afternoon.
At the Driftwood River at the Hendricks Ford Bridge, the river is still rising at this hour. It is at just above 13 feet, which is the minor flood stage. It is expected to crest at about 15.2 feet by Saturday afternoon. That would be the seventh highest recorded crest for the river. The closest crests to this level were in March and April of 2011.
Based on previous flooding, the weather service says you can expect extensive flooding in northern Bartholomew County when the Driftwood River reaches 15 feet. The last time the water got this high, in 2011, Double Y Saddle Club area extensively flooded. Water was flowing over County Road 950N to the club. County Road 330W was flooded just south of its intersection with Ohio Ridge Road. You can also expect County Road 500N west of Country Road 250W to flood, blocking vehicular access to residences near the river bank.
Lowell Public Access site was completely flooded when the river reached this level in 2011. Water very near several residences and seasonal homes along County Road 330W and County Road 325W.
East Fork White River at Columbus reports that it is just heading into the minor flood stage of 9 feet. It is expected to crest in the moderate flood stage at 12.1 feet by Saturday afternoon.
In the past, when the water has reached the 12 foot level, State Road 11 north of CR 200S floods. Extensive agricultural flooding will be in progress north of State Road 46 and floodwaters begin to go over County Road 325W, south of Lowell Road. Mill Race Park and the area behind the West Hill Shopping Center, as well as the area behind the Clarion Hotel on State Road 46 normally flood when the water reaches this level.
East Fork White River at Columbus is expected to drop completely out of flood stages by Sunday night.
Downstream, East Fork White River at Seymour is still rising. It is at about 15 feet, which is three feet above the minor flood stage. It is expected to crest at almost 18 feet by Sunday morning, which will be moderate flooding. This will be about a foot higher than flooding in February and March of 2016.