Two Bartholomew County residents were arrested on drug charges in Johnson County after a traffic stop.
A Johnson County deputy pulled over the vehicle on U.S. 31 near Franklin at about 12:40 this morning because the driver did not use a turn signal, according to police reports.
Both of the car’s occupants had a hard time finding the car’s registration and a police dog alerted to the smell of drugs inside the vehicle.
A search of the vehicle revealed oxycodone, foil packs containing what appeared to be heroin and drug paraphernalia, according to the police report.
Deputies arrested the driver, 42-year-old Jeremy Hedger of Elizabethtown on a preliminary charge of possession of drug paraphernalia. The passenger 30-year-old Rhiannon Mitchell of Columbus was arrested on preliminary charges of possession of paraphernalia, possession of heroin, possession of a
controlled substance and possession of a needle.