Public Safety a major part of Columbus’ 2017 budget

During Columbus Mayor Jim Lienhoop’s first State of the City address, he outlined the four “pillars” of his administration. They are public safety, economic development, education and making the city an “employer of choice.” Jamie Brinegar, the city’s director of finance, says that these pillars will shape the 2017 Columbus city budget. He talks about public safety…

The budget will have a direct effect on city policing, says Brinegar…

Brinegar talks about the budget’s effect on the city’s fire department…

The parking lot of Station 1 was refurbished this year. Brinegar says that with this spending, the hope is for Station 1 to be “like new” by the end of 2017. He says that other stations will see improvements in 2018 and beyond.

Brinegar adds that additional improvements are planned for the training grounds near Columbus Municipal Airport…

By being a regional training ground, Brinegar explains that the city can recoup some expenses through the federal government, drastically lowering city expenses for the improvements needed.

Up next, budget wise, is the first reading of an ordinance to set the pay for elected officials and city employees. That is scheduled to take place during Tuesday night’s meeting of the Columbus City Council. That meeting begins at 6 p.m. at City Hall and you are invited.