‘Flamenco’ to stay in Columbus

The committee that worked to secure the funds to purchase a sculpture is preparing for its last official act. After accomplishing its goal of raising the $40,000 needed to purchase Flamenco, the committee says that it is now time to present it to the City of Columbus.

Flamenco, was part of the 2014 Columbus Indiana Sculpture Biennial and currently resides on the corner of Fourth and Washington streets in downtown Columbus. Geri Handley, the chairperson of the group “Keep Flamenco in Columbus,” explains that the sculpture was created by Chicago artist Ruth Aizuss Migdal, describes her current body of public sculptures as “brazen and bold with frivolity.”

A committee was formed last fall to strategize and raise the funds needed to keep the sculpture in the city. Handley says that this past May, “Fire & Grace,” a Spanish-style festival, was held in The Commons with Migdal in attendance. During that event, the remainder of the needed funds was secured, said Handley. “It has been truly rewarding to be part of the effort to raise the monies to purchase Flamenco,” said Handley.

Columbus officials are appreciative of the group’s efforts. “Columbus appreciates art and design! By coming together to raise funds to keep Flamenco, our citizens have added the explanation point to that statement. Thanks to all who participated in the Flamenco fund drive and made this possible,” said Mayor Jim Lienhoop.

A formal presentation is scheduled for Wednesday, August 17 at 5:30 p.m. on the corner of Fourth and Washington Streets in downtown. At that time, Handley says that the sculpture will be presented to the city of Columbus. Mayor Lienhoop will accept the gift. You are encouraged to attend.