The Columbus Fire Department is fully staffed after two firefighters were sworn in by Mayor Jim Lienhoop Tuesday morning. Capt. Mike Wilson, fire department spokesman, says that the ceremony took place during
the Board of Public Works and Safety Meeting. He explains that these new hires, Josh Hanson and Daniel Pinnow, will undergo a department familiarization program as part of their on the job training. After completing the 10-week program, Wilson says that the pair will receive their shift and station assignments. The hiring of Hanson and Pinnow, says Wilson, brings the number of sworn firefighters working for the Columbus Fire Department up to 95.
The department has released biographical information for both new hires. Hanson is a 24-year-old Hope resident. He is a 2009 graduate of Southwestern High School in Shelby County and a 2014 graduate of Ivy Tech Community College where he earned an associate’s degree in Public Safety. Following graduation, Hanson completed an internship with the Sugar Creek Township Fire Department in Hancock County.
Hanson is a state certified EMT and also holds a state certification for Firefighter l and II.
Pinnow is a 27-year-old Columbus native and a 2007 graduate of Trinity Lutheran High School in Seymour, says Wilson. Pinnow has lived in North Vernon since 2012 and currently serves as a volunteer firefighter for both the Vernon and North Vernon Fire Department. He is also certified by the state as a Firefighter I and II and is currently obtaining an Instructor I certification, according to CFD officials.