The Cancer Center at Columbus Regional Health (CRH) is offering free skin screenings.
CRH Spokesperson Kelsey DeClue says that each year, about one-million Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer. If detected early, doctors say that 95 percent of skin cancer cases are treatable. DeClue says that, in an effort to boost awareness and early detection, the Cancer Center at CRH will host its annual Skin Cancer Screening.
DeClue says that the screening is free and open to the public. However, she stresses that there are those who should most consider getting screened. They include those individuals who:
• Work or spend considerable time outdoors
• Are fair-skinned or fair-haired
• Tend to develop moles or other skin growths
• Have new skin growth or are experiencing a change in skin growth
DeClue says that board-certified dermatologists Dr. Eduardo Rivera and Dr. Michael Sheehan will screen attendees and provide follow-up referrals as needed.
If you would like to take advantage of these screenings, DeClue says that appointments are required. Call (800) 699-1019 to register.